Hog Rider

Level 2 Barracks Required

Having tamed the fierce leaping Hog, the Hog Rider punishes those who hide behind their puny Walls! Fueled by Dark Elixir, these warriors have never known defeat!

Any values listed below are subject to change before update releases.

LevelDamage per secondDamage per hitHitpoints Dark ElixirLaboratory
270703124,00010 h1895
380803707,00020 h2686
4929243010,0001 d 6 h3286
510510550020,0002 d4157
611811859037,0002 d 16 h4808
713513570070,0003 d 12 h5499
814814881095,0005 d 6 h67310
9161161890150,0007 d77710
10174174970175,0007 d77711
111871871,080240,00012 d101812
122002001,230335,00013 d 6 h106913
132132131,380350,00014 d 12 h111914
UpgradeTraining Time RangeDamage typeFavorite target
Super Hog Rider45 s0.6 Tiles51 sSingle TargetGroundDefenses